父母聯盟 ‧ 共親職衝突處理小組
形 式︰短講、觀賞短片、分組討論及分享等
特 式:本小組應用「接受與承諾治療(ACT)」的六大元素,透過正念 (Mindfulness) 的練習,強調在接納痛苦的存在,同時堅持價值導向的行動,以提升心理彈性和幸福感。
~輕鬆氣氛中學到嘢。 名額有限,報名從速。

若天文台於/將於上午6:45或以後生效八號颱風或以上警告信號/黑色暴雨警告信號 / 極端情況,原定於當日上午舉行的所有室內或室外活動/服務將會取消。
若天文台於/將於中午12:00或以後生效八號颱風或以上警告信號/黑色暴雨警告信號 / 極端情況,原定於當日下午舉行的所有室內或室外活動/服務將會取消。
若天文台於/將於中午12:00或以前除下八號颱風或以上警告信號,並改發三號颱風警告信號/除下黑色暴雨警告信號 / 取消極端情況,並改發紅色或黃色暴雨警告信號,原定於當日下午舉行的室內活動/服務將如常舉行;戶外活動則仍會取消。
若天文台於/將於下午4:00或以前除下八號颱風或以上警告信號,並改發三號颱風警告信號/除下黑色暴雨警告信號 / 取消極端情況,並改發紅色或黃色暴雨警告信號,原定於當日晚上舉行的室內活動/服務將如常舉行;戶外活動則仍會取消。
If Typhoon Signal No.8 or above / the Black Rainstorm Warning Signal / Extreme Conditions is / will be in force on or after 6:45 am on the day, the morning (am) session of both the indoor and outdoor programs / services will be cancelled.
If Typhoon Signal No.8 or above / the Black Rainstorm Warning Signal / Extreme Conditions is / will be in force on or after 12:00 noon, the afternoon (pm) session of both the indoor and outdoor programs / services will be cancelled.
If Typhoon Signal No.8 or above is lowered to Typhoon Signal No.3 / Extreme Conditions is cancelled / the Black Rainstorm Signal is changed to Red or Yellow Rainstorm Warning Signal on or before 12:00 noon, the afternoon (pm) session of the indoor programs / services will be resumed. All the outdoor programs will be cancelled.
If Typhoon Signal No.8 or above is lowered to Typhoon Signal No.3 / Extreme Conditions is cancelled / the Black Rainstorm Signal is changed to Red or Yellow Rainstorm Warning Signal on or before 4:00 pm, the night session of the indoor programs / services will be resumed. All the outdoor programs will be cancelled.